The Homams mentioned below are special in nature performed for specific objectives

Vashikaran Tilak

These Tilak and Vibhoothi can be used for many purposes .There are many different types of tilaks out there, it is only given after checking the horoscope to find out which tilak is suitable for them. The types tilak usage...


Swayamvara Parvathi is the bridal form of Goddess Parvathi Devi, the consort of Lord Shiva and the sister of Maha Vishnu Himself. Swayamvara Parvathi is a very special and enchanting form as it represents...

Yantra/ Thayathu/ Ealas

Yantra ( Elass ) meant an instrument for restraining or fastening, a prop, support or barrier, etymologically from the root yam "to sustain, support" and the -tra suffix expressing instruments.

Ashtadravya Mahaganapathi Homam

Ashtadravya mahaganapathihomam enjoys the highestdignity among all ganapathihomams out of 32 ganapathihomams...

Thrikala Pooja Bhagavathi seva

Thrikaala indicates dawn, noonand night. It is done as 3 separate pooja’s in a day. Thrikaalapooja is done to avoid all miseries & calamities & to get rid of it. Pooja is for 3 deities...

Mruthyunjaya homam

To avoid all dieses , other tortures & untimely death occurring as a result of our sinfulacts. By doing MruthyunjayaHomam with dravyam & manthra we will get peace ...

Mahasudarshana Homam

To get rid of any negative effects from enemies & reduce the effect of all kind of negative energy related behavior & acts from enemies .It gives prosperity & purity to heart & thus helps to have a peaceful life...

Lakshmi narayana pooja

To avoid all disagreements & difference of opinions in marital life & to have a peaceful & happy married life by avoiding all issues. It is believed that this auspicious pooja brings unity in a family. It creates...

Navagraha homam-pooja

In every horoscope some planets are well placed & some are not so favorably placed. So we go through different phases in life. Navagraha pooja is done to remove & reduce the negative effects...

Mahakali pooja

Mahakali is the form of Adi parashakti, who is beyond time and space. Kali is the force of anger of Adi parashakti and therefore her color is black. Greatest aspect of Kali whom many people hold as a Divine Mother...

MahaVishnu pooja

Lord MahaVishnu, is considered as the supreme deity in Vaishnavism. Narayana as the Para Brahman (Supreme Lord) who creates unlimited universes and enters each one of them as Lord of the Universe...


Top quality and flawless ruby is the gem for the Sun, natural pearl for the Moon, red coral for Mars, emerald for Mercury yellow sapphire for Jupiter, diamond for Venus, blue sapphire...

Aghora Homam

Aghora Moorthy is destructive form of Lord Shiva. To avoid the sufferings caused by all kinds of invisible evil spirits, offering Aghora Homam to Lord Shiva.To remove bad elements from your home or office you...

Narasimha Homam

Narasimha : is an avatar of the Hindu god Vishnu, one who incarnates in the form of part lion and part man to destroy an evil, end religious persecution and calamity on Earth, thereby restoring Dharma.

Lakshmi Kubera Homam

Kubera is the Lord of Wealth and the god-king of the semi- divine. He is regarded as the regent of the North (Dik-pala), and a protector of the world (Lokapala).His many epithets extol him as the overlord..

Dhanwantahri pooja/Homam

Dhanvantari as the god of Ayurveda. Intention is to have sound physical & mental health with the blessings of Lord Dhanwanthari who is a celestial healer as well as manifestation of Lord Vishnu.

Santhanagopala pooja

There are many people who are married for years & longing for a child. Santhana Gopala pooja is a highly effective solution for those desirous of begetting children with highly admirable good qualities.

Chakraabja pooja

In Chakraabja pooja , considering the whole universe as a wheel & treating Lord Mahavishnu as the centre of all, chanting Gayathrimanthra not less than 108 times.Aim is prosperity in all means.

Umamaheswara pooja

There are many people who are experiencing obstacles for marriage because of minor issues. Umamaheswara pooja is offered to Lord Parameswaran & Parvathi Devi to remove all obstacles for marriage & have a blissful married life.

Sukrutha homam

Sukrutha homam is believed to be the purest one among the all other homams. By performing this homam one’s past and present karmic issues will be completely removed.

Goddess Gayatri

Gayatri is depicted as seated on a red lotus, symbolizing the awakening of the heart. She is portrayed as Panchamukhi (pancha= five, mukhi=face). Her five faces stand for...

Thila homam

Thila Homam is a powerful Vedic ritual, performed to ward off difficulties arising out of Pithru Dhosham (Ancestor Doshas), which is the outcome of non performance of sradhams , and...

Dwadesha nama pooja

Kalkazhukichoott( washing feet as a sign of respect) for 12 brahmins considering them as 12 forms of Lord Vishnu ,making them sit in proper places & giving them dress, sweets & other foods to please them .

Sayoojya pooja

Helps to remove the obstacles in attaining eternal peace & salvation at the lotus feet of Lord Mahavishnu through ,saalokyam saaroopyam & sameepyam for the souls of the departed ancestors.


Because of the lack of proper karma some souls turn into evil spirits after death &such invisible spirits will cause many sufferings to living souls. By chanting manthra’s , installing such negative forces...


To get rid of all evil forces for once & all. By chanting manthra’s doing Uchchaadanam to make sure that such forces wont affect our life again at all .It should be done by one who chant Gayathri manthra properly & have proper...

Other special kinds of poojas

The goddess of Pratyumgira, Baaneshi, Mathangi, Mahishamardini, Bhinnabhaiyravi, etc are pleased by excellent, rare and secret manthras.

Homam is a sacred ritual performed according to the tenets of Holy Scriptures to invoke the blessings of a particular deity or deities with certain objectives. It is believed that Agni (God of fire) carries the dravya (offerings into the fire) to the concerned deity and causes fulfilment of wishes. It involves japam(chanting mantras) and kriyas (deeds). There are umpteen homams for various deities with various objectives. Some general objectives and HOMAMs traditionally performed for those purposes are mentioned below. Homam is a Sanskrit word which typically means performing spiritual prayers or making offerings to fire. In many places, homam is known as Havan or Yagnam. As per Hindu mythology, homam is a way – to renounce one’s sins, to acquire peach of mind and to get a special purpose fulfilled. An individual or group of individuals can perform an homam depending on the kind of homam being undertaken. The ritual of Homam dates back to almost 5000 years when various well-versed sages and saints taught the significance and process of homam to purify body, mind and soul. Fire is believed to form an integral component of worshipping in Hinduism. As the holy smoke from a Homa permeates our dwellings, it not only eradicates all ill effects and negativity from such dwellings, but it also brings with it peace, happiness, prosperity wealth and contentment. A significant aspect of Homa is the mantra uttered by priests while performing the ritual. They ask the performer of the Homa to offer the ahuti or puja material into the fire and to chant “idam na mama “meaning this is not mine. When the possessive mama, meaning mine is eradicated from our thinking ahankar or ego too gets destroyed. This is the essence of Sanatana Dharma.

The practice of homam was started to perform worship to a particular God and Goddess for getting desires fulfilled or improve the state of well-being for self or family.

Homam is performed in a square-shapedHavan Kund which is made up of bricks (Vedi) and a holy fire is lit up inside it. All the devotees and priests sit around the fire. The priest chants mantras and offers samagris to the fire. A samagri is a sacred offering which is made up of various natural herbs and pure products. The homam samagri is considered as the food for deities for whom a homam is being performed. It is believed that while chanting mantras during a homam and making offerings to the fire, a special energy is created in the environment through which one can re-energized the chakaras which eventually help in rejuvenating body and alleviates peace of mind. It is also beneficial in purifying the atmosphere in and around the homam location.

Pooja literally means “honour.” This is important, because the practice and beliefs behind puja involve not just a formal veneration of the Gods and Goddesses, but also signifies entering into a particular sort of relationship with them. Puja involves the reception and honouring a deity. Through pooja, a personal relationship, often a very affectionate relationship, is formed with God. It also helps in restoring our faith and detaching us from harmful worldly materialistic things. So, it is imperative to value the life that has been given to you by almighty and pooja is a subtle way of thanking him. In the moments of despair, one seems to remember God. But in an ideal situation, one should be praying Gods on all sort of days, good or bad, ugly or beautiful, dark or bright as everything is owned and created by God. Fundamentally, pooja involves bhakti, in that one must approach and treat God with selfless love; indeed, this is the way in which bhakti is most typically put into practice. There is a purpose that we exist, and offering prayers bring us closer to our purpose and help in attaining nirvana.