Yantra/ Thayathu/ Ealas
Ealas – After 41 days of pooja, Elas/Yantra will give direclty only to the concerned person.

Vidya rajagopala yantra
King of all Yanthras. Improvement in studies, memory, intelligence.
The mantra for worship in that manner has 33 beejaksharams and is made up of Sri Rajagopaala Mantra’s 18 letters and the 15 letters of Sri Pancha Dasakshari of Sri Vidya. This is Lord Krishna’s Mantra, and the benefits derived from reciting this Mantra is that one will obtain a good relationship with their partner, and bring progeny (children) for those desiring a child.
Maha ganapathy yantra
Remover of all obstacles, helps one to attain Siddhi, prosperity and success. Maha Ganapathy yantra is kept and it is recommended to do pooa before starting any work. The worshipper is blessed with success in work, business and all undertakings. The sadhaka will be blessed with fulfillment of desires, power, wealth and authority. The Lord Ganpati is the fulfiller of all wishes. His grace removes all obstacles and impediments, he is the Divine Purveyor of true knowledge, success in life, prosperity and all Spiritual Powers. And hence all Gods, humans and even demons bow to him. You can keep this yantra in your house, office or altar place and do the pooja .You have to chant mahaganapathy mantra for 108 times and with the energy of chanting you would be blessed with the positive energy of Maha Ganapathy Yantra.
Mahasudarshana yantra
Protection from all supernatural attacks e.g. black magic, ghost, enemy etc; help to attain wealth, gain of prosperity, lands, good health. It’s a major Yantra for defence and protection from enemies. The Sudarshan refers to Vishnu’s Chakra, a weapon to repel and punish evil and it is constructed from the pure flames of the sun. The making of this Yantra represents a whirling wheel of sacred flame that keeps all enemies, negativity, illnesses and misfortunes at bay. Within the body of the Yantra are inscribed sacred Bija mantras or seed syllables that have proven their efficacy as protective talismans. When worshipping this God, the devotee visualizes himself being in the centre of this sacred circle of sun-fire, secure and protected from all the harm and ill that might befall on him.
Sri yantra
Sri Yantra or Sri Chakra is a form of mystical diagram (yantra) . It consists of nine interlocking triangles that surround a central point known as a bindu. These triangles represent the cosmos and the human body. Because of its nine triangles, Sri Yantra is also known as the Navayoni Chakra. When the two-dimensional Sri Yantra is represented in three dimensions, it is called a Maha Meru. The Sri Yantra represents the union of Masculine and Feminine Divine. The four upward-pointing isosceles triangles represent the goddess’s masculine embodiment Shiva, while the five downward-pointing triangles symbolize the female embodiment Shakti.
Shri Vidya
Sri Vidya also spelled “Shri” or “Shree” Vidya is “knowledge, learning, lore, science. We devoted to the Goddess as Lalita Tripurasundari (“Beautiful Goddess of the Three Lokas”), Bhuvaneshvari etc. A thousand names for this form of Devi are recited in the Lalita Sahasranama, which includes Sri Vidya concepts. The sect accepts and aims to provide both material prosperity and self-realisation. It has an extensive literature. There are various schools, including the so-called left-handed and right-handed practice. Initiation must be from a guru. Many Sri Vidya mantras are available in print but they are often considered more potent in the context of the guru’s initiation. There is a very popular saying among Sri Vidya tradition is that one has to be verily Shiva himself or in one’s last birth to get Sri vidya. Since we are not Shiva, it has to be the last birth or when we get it, it becomes our last birth and One can worship Lalitha only if she wishes us to do so. Sri Vidya the goddess is supreme, transcending the cosmos that is her manifestation. She is worshiped in the form of a mystical diagram (yantra), a central focus and ritual object composed of nine intersecting triangles, called the Sri Yantra or sree chakra. The Meru Chakra is a three-dimensional form of this, made of rock crystal or metal, often a traditional alloyof silver, antimony, copper, zinc and pewter that is held to enhance the flow and generation of its beneficial energies, covered in gold.
Mantras are believed to reveal the unity of the deity, the guru and initiate and the mantra or sound syllable Itself. The first mantra given to initiates is the Bala Tripurasundari Mantra. Here the Goddess is visualized as a small child. The next level mantra is the fifteen-lettered Panchadasi or Panchadasakshari Mantra. A higher mantra is the sixteenlettered Shodasi or Shodashakshari Mantra. Practical benefits of this spiritual practice results in good physical, mental and emotional health leading to a harmonious and effective relationship at home and the external world. This leads to success in all aspects of life.
Rajagopala yantra
Gives wealth , enjoyment , attractive personality etc. good for person who is looking for work. Many of the successful politicians, businessmen and rich people make use of the seamless power of this yanthra to keep their positions, status and wealth uninterrupted by any external forces or evil powers.
Tripura sundari yantra
Tripura Sundari is a goddess and one of the ten Mahavidyas. She is best known as the Deviextolled in the Lalita Sahasranama. Tripura Sundari is the Beautiful goddess of the three world.
Sri Lalita Tripurasundari enthroned with her right foot upon the Sri Chakra. She is surrounded by Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, Ishvara, Parashiv a and Ganesha . Lakshmi and Sarasvati are fanning her.
Tripura Sundari is the foremost of the Mahavidyas and the highest aspect of Goddess Adi Parashakti. The Tripura as the ultimate Shakti (energy, power) of the universe . She is described as the supreme consciousness, above Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. Tripurasundari is said to sit on Shiva’s lap in his form as Kamesvara, the “lord of desire”. Tripura Sundari (Parvati) is also the primary goddess associated with the Shakta Tantric tradition, known as Sri Vidya.
Mahalakshmi yantra
Ensure good prosperity, prevent financial problem, ensure good flow of wealth etc.Lakshmi or Laxmi, is the Hindu goddess of wealth, fortune and prosperity, she is the wife and shakti (energy) of Vishnu. Lakshmi is also called Sri or Thirumagal because she is endowed with six auspicious and divine qualities, or gunas, and is the divine strength of Vishnu. In the ancient scriptures of India, all women are declared to be embodiments of Lakshmi. The marriage and relationship between Lakshmi and Vishnu as wife and husband is the paradigm for rituals and ceremonies for the bride and groom in weddings. Lakshmi is considered another aspect of the same supreme goddess principle in the Shaktism tradition of Hinduism.
Annapoorneswari yantra
Goddess Annapurna is the Goddess of food and nourishment and is considered as the sustainer of prosperity. The word ‘Anna’ means food and grains and ‘Purna’ means full or complete. It is believed that by worshiping this goddess one will never be out of food anytime in life. Sri Annapurneshwari Devi is the Goddess for the fourth day of Durga Navrathri. She is a form of the Goddess Parvati, the consort of Lord Shiva. She is depicted with a vessel containing food in one hand and a spoon in the other to distribute the food to her devotees . Achieves overall prosperity.
Swayamvara yantra
Swayamvara Parvathi is the Goddess of fertility and love. She is well-known as the consort of Lord Shiva and is a manifestation of Goddess Shakti. The worship of a Swayamvara Parvathi Yantra has many key benefits, and it can improve the overall quality of your life. Your fervent prayers to this Yantra will remove all the obstacles that stand as roadblocks to your marriage. It will communicate your desires to the Goddess, and she in turn will transform it to reality for you. Radiations of this Yantra will develop a cushion for the couple to lean on at the times of continuous problems and struggles.
Santhana gopala yantra
This Yantra also prevents miscarriage during pregnancy. The Yantra blessed the couple with a beautiful and intelligent child and increase love between them. This is a very useful yantra for the childless couples. Some persons are devoid of children and try hard to have an issue. For this purpose Santan Gopal Yantra is miraculous. All your prayers for progeny would be answered through this Energized Yantra. This yantra gives a desired child who is meritorious and long living.
Purusha sukta yantra
Purusha Sukta Yantra is a popular and important Vaishnava Yantras. By worshipping Yantra, a person attains peace, good health and prosperity. A yantra is also a visual form of mantras. Purusha Sukta Yantra is worshipped for gaining beauty, wealth, prosperity, children and peace. The Yantra is prepared based on the famous Purusha Sukta mantra in the Rigveda. The Purusha Sukta – the spiritual unity of the universe. It presents the nature of Purusha, or the cosmic being, as both immanent in the manifested world and yet transcendent to it. From this being, the Sukta holds, the original creative will proceeds which causes the projection of the universe in space and time . Creation is described to have started with the origination of Virat, or the cosmic body from the Purusha. In Virat, omnipresent intelligence manifests itself which causes the appearance of diversity.
Purusha sukta yantra
Purusha Sukta Yantra is a popular and important Vaishnava Yantras. By worshipping Yantra, a person attains peace, good health and prosperity. A yantra is also a visual form of mantras. Purusha Sukta Yantra is worshipped for gaining beauty, wealth, prosperity, children and peace. The Yantra is prepared based on the famous Purusha Sukta mantra in the Rigveda. The Purusha Sukta – the spiritual unity of the universe. It presents the nature of Purusha, or the cosmic being, as both immanent in the manifested world and yet transcendent to it. From this being, the Sukta holds, the original creative will proceeds which causes the projection of the universe in space and time . Creation is described to have started with the origination of Virat, or the cosmic body from the Purusha. In Virat, omnipresent intelligence manifests itself which causes the appearance of diversity.
Aghora yantra
Aghora Yantra protects from all blackmagic, evil effects, bad eye, curse and spirits.
There are other lot of yantras…some yantra details are very secret for using many purposes.. all are doing after the thorough checking of the horoscope.

om srim hrim klim laksmai namah
om yaksaya kuberaaya vaisravanaya dhanya
dhanyadhipataye dhana dhanya samrddhi meam
dehita dapaya swaha:
The Divine Mother is worshipped as ten cosmic personalities, the Dasa-Mahavidya. The Mahavidyas are considered Tantric in nature and are usually identified as:
Kali: The ultimate form of Brahman, “Devourer of Time”.
Tara: The Goddess as Guide and Protector, or Who Saves. Who offers the ultimate knowledge which gives salvation (also known as Neel Saraswati).
Shodashi or Lalita Tripurasundari: The Goddess Who is “Beautiful in the Three Worlds”; the “Tantric Parvati” or the “Moksha Mukta”.
Bhuvaneshvari: The Goddess as World Mother, or whose body is the cosmos.
Bhairavi: The Fierce Goddess.
Chinnamasta: The self-decapitated Goddess.
Dhumavati:The Widow Goddess, or the Goddess of death.
Bagalamukhi: The Goddess who paralyzes enemies.
Matangi: the Prime Minister of Lalita; the “Tantric Saraswati”.
Kamala: The Lotus Goddess; the “Tantric Lakshmi”.
- Bindu – representing the supreme consciousness
- Nada Bindu formed by a static bindu and a dynamic sound (nada)
- Space,Center,Earth,Static, Earth,Masculine, Fire,Expression,Female, Water,Creation, Clockwise movement,Equilibrium,Dissolution, Counterclockwise movement,Preservation, balance between static and dinamic
- Swastika – symbol of Aum and Ganesh
The letters of the Devanagari alphabet are associated with Matrikas, various forms of Devi, the Great Mother, in their sound form.
This yantra contains all 51 letters or matrikas and is used in the rite of purification of mantras (samskara).
Yantra ( Ealas ) meant an instrument for restraining or fastening, a prop, support or barrier, etymologically from the root yam “to sustain, support” and the -tra suffix expressing instruments. The literal meaning is still evident in the medical terminology of Sushruta, where the term refers to blunt surgical instruments such as tweezers or a vice. The meaning of “mystical or occult diagram”. Mantras, the Sanskrit syllables inscribed on yantras, are essentially “thought forms” representing divinities or cosmic powers, which exert their influence by means of sound-vibrations.
Yantras are usually associated with a particular deity and are used for specific benefits, such as: for meditation; protection from harmful influences; development of particular powers; attraction of wealth or success, etc . They are often used in daily ritual worship at home or in temples, and sometimes worn as a talisman.
As an aid to meditation, yantras represent the deity that is the object of meditation. These yantras emanate from the central point, the bindu. The yantra typically has several geometric shapes radiating concentrically from the center, including triangles, circles, hexagons, octagons, and symbolic lotus petals. The outside often includes a square representing the four cardinal directions, with doors to each of them. A popular form is the Sri Chakra, or Sri Yantra, which represents the goddess in her form as Tripura Sundari. Sri Chakra also includes a representation of Shiva, and is designed to show the totality of creation and existence, along with the user’s own unity with the cosmos.
Yantras can be on a flat surface or three dimensional. Yantras can be drawn or painted on paper, engraved on metal, or any flat surface. They tend to be smaller in size than the similar mandala, and traditionally use less color than mandalas.
Occult yantras are used as good luck charms, to ward off evil, as preventative medicine, in exorcism, etc by using their magical power. When used as a talisman, the yantra is seen to represent a deity who can be called on at will by the user. They are traditionally consecrated and energized by a priest, including the use of mantras which are closely associated to the specific deity and yantra. Practitioners believe that a yantra that is not energized with mantra is lifeless.
We follow strict kerala family tradition rules to prepare this elass@yantras and also according to manthrik, tantric system. Elass to wear is available in silver and gold. Every individual have different needs of elass, there is no point wearing a elass that doesn’t work well on you. We will check your horoscope first before deciding which elass is best suited for you hence checking horoscope is a must.
Yantras frequently include mantras written in Sanskrit. “Yantra and mantra are always found in conjunction. Sound is considered as important as form in yantra, if not more important, since form in its essence is sound condensed as matter.”
Use of colors in traditional yantra is entirely symbolic, and not merely decorative or artistic. Each color is used to denote ideas and inner states of consciousness. White/Red/Black is one of the most significant color combinations, representing the three qualities or gunas of nature (prakriti). White represents sattwa or purity; red represents rajas or the activating quality; black represents tamas or the quality of inertia. Specific colors also represent certain aspects of the goddess. Not all texts give the same colors for yantras. Aesthetics and artistry are meaningless in a yantra if they are not based on the symbolism of the colors and geometric shapes.
The central point of traditional yantras have a bindu or point, which represents the main deity associated with the yantra. The retinue of the deity is often represented in the geometric parts around the center. The bindu in a yantra may be represented by a dot or small circle, or may remain invisible. It represents the point from which all of creation emanates. Sometimes, as in the case of the Linga Bhairavi yantra, the bindu may be presented in the form of a linga. Triangle Most Hindu yantras include triangles. Downward pointing triangles represent feminine aspect of God or Shakti, upward pointing triangles represent masculine aspect such as Shiva.
Hexagrams as shown in yantras are two equilateral triangles intertwined, representing the union of male and female aspects of divinity, or Shiva and Shakti.
Mandalas and yantras both frequently include lotus petals, which represent purity and transcendence. Eight-petaled lotuses are common, but lotuses in yantras can include 2, 4, 8, 10, 12, 16, 24, 32, 100, 1000 or more petals.
Many mandalas have three concentric circles in the center, representing manifestation.
Outer square
Many mandalas have an outer square or nested squares, representing the earth and the four cardinal directions. Often they include sacred doorways on each side of the square.
Yantras infrequently use a pentagram. Some yantras of Guhyakali have a pentagram, due to the number five being associated with Kali.
YOctagons are also infrequent in yantras, where they represent the eight directions. Sigil – A common method of creating the sigils of certain spirits was to use kameas (magic squares) — the names of the spirits were converted to numbers, which were then located on the magic square. The locations were then connected by lines, forming an abstract figure.
Combining the letters, the colours, the attributions and their Synthesis, thou mayest build up a telesmatic Image of a Force. The Sigil shall then serve thee for the tracing of a Current which shall call into action a certain Elemental Force and it was used in the making of talismans. The sigil was like a signature or sign of an occult entity
The magician acknowledges a desire, he lists the appropriate symbols and arranges them into an easily visualised glyph. Using any of the gnostic techniques he reifies the sigil and then, by force of will, hurls it into his subconscious from where the sigil can begin to work unencumbered by desire.